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Model Hyunsou Alexis wears the Great Coat and Snakeskin Dress

Model Hyunsou Alexis wears the Great Coat and Snakeskin Dress

For Immediate Release - January 31, 2025 - San Francisco, California 

Written by Stylist & Fashion Blogger Jamie Lee Kendall 

PR contact Jamie Lee Kendall 415-362-8300 or westcoastleathersf@gmail.com

West Coast Leather styled model Hyunsou Alexis in two outfits for the brand's women's catalogue. The theme of the shoot was based around great body contouring and sexy elegance. 

The designer and wardrobe stylists was Skip Pas, American fashion designer and CEO of the brand.  The location was the famous Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, California in Nob Hill.  The photographer was Jeramie Campbell.

The hair and makeup was also by model Hyunsou Alexis.  The style inspiration was Kendall Jenner.

This is our top featured Top Model for January 2025. Hyunsou has been featured in several West Coast Leather Catalogue shoots and special Celebrity Fashion Shows and has also been featured in over 20 Fashion Magazines across the globe. She wore the West Coast Leather Matrix Coat in Black Leather with a Red Satin Lining for this cool shoot.

For the first look, Hyunsou wore the Great Coat from West Coast Leather, which was given its named by VOGUE Magazine. Retail: $3,000.

For the second look, Hyunsou wore the Black Snakeskin Print Rocker Coat Dress. Retail: $1,500. Style #6004D.

Call our store to order this coat or special order it longer.  We can also do unique lining colors. California Made California Proud Certification since 2003.

Photographer Instagram: @jcamphoto

Model Instagram: @hyunsouyi

Designer Instagram: @westcoastleather @skip.pas

The Great Coat:

The Snakeskin Dress:


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