San Francisco Celebrity Golf Classic and West Coast Leather

San Francisco Celebrity Golf Classic and West Coast Leather

For Immediate Release - October 12, 2023 - San Francisco, California 

Written by West Coast Leather Founder and Designer Skip Pas

Email and our Design Studio Boutique Location 415 362 8300  

On Tuesday, September 29th, West Coast Leather outfitted several models in our leather clothing to participate in the festivities at the San Francisco Celebrity Golf Classic at the Presidio Golf Club.

The models wore the Barbie Pink collection.

Celebrities were in attendance, and signed up to play golf for charity.  Comedian Larry Beyah was the emcee and roasted the celebrities as they teed off to try to get a hole in one.

Our models showcased outfits and helped with the fun, relaxed atmosphere.

Music producer Dame Drummer was one of the celebrities in attendance.  An announcer for the Golden State Warriors was part of the event as well as other radio and TV personalities.

We had five photographers there to capture the fun, and the event producer had a step-and-repeat.








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