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Union Street Festival of Lights and West Coast Leather Trunk Shows

Union Street Festival of Lights and West Coast Leather Trunk Shows

For Immediate Release - November 25, 2022 - San Francisco, California 

Written by Stylist & Fashion Blogger Jamie Lee Kendall 

PR contact Jamie Lee Kendall - email and our Design Studio Boutique Location 415 362 8300  


The Union Street Association is proud to announce the Union Street Festival of Lights.  This is the first time the association has been able to host this event in 3 years.  In the past, Union Street has won the best street multiple times by Travelers Magazine.  





- Fridays, December 9th and 16th, 2022

- 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM

- Santa will stroll up and down the street.

- Carolers will stroll up and down the street singing holiday carols.  

- There will be a best window decoration presentation. There are great ones completed already.

- Retailers along Union Street will be serving festive things such as wine, cookies, candy canes, and many stores are expected to have in-store events or promotions.

Please join us for the holiday festivities this season and stop by the West Coast Leather store at 2060 Union Street in the Cow Hollow neighborhood of San Francisco.  We will have a trunk show on both Friday, December 9 and Friday, December 16 with hors d'oeuvres and champagne.  It will showcase West Coast Leather, a partnership with clothing designer brands, and will be a chance to celebrate the season.





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