QP Magazine Story Editorial Featuring our Burning Eyes

QP Magazine Story Editorial Featuring our Burning Eyes

For Immediate Release San Francisco based West Coast Leather July 2021 

Fashion Editorial by QP Magazine in the Desert of Southern California 

Stylist Quella Renee 

Model Marissa Long 

Photographer Ken Perry

MUA  Angelique Cerniglia 

Retoucher Natalie 

Designer Leather Clothing West Coast Leather San Francisco 

We got a call from La Fashion Stylist Quelle Renee. She had 3 projects that called for women's leather clothing with 3 unique clients. One was a huge spread in QP magazine that featured our new Fringe Stretch Leather two tone biker that was designed and made in 2 days for the photoshoot. The fringe is also two tone to match the brown antique leather sleeves and the black leather fringe on the back of the middle pieces of the jacket. The stylist even picked up the jacket at our LA factory managers home so she could use it the next day for the early morning shoot so it would not be to hot. The other designs shown were a brown leather vest with a Alligator Inlay in the shape of the Fleur De Lys symbol for the cover of the section in their magazine. Also shown our camouflage left slit skirt and bustier and a Vintage North Beach Leather Beaded Purse from 1970. 

Hope you can stop in to our only USA location to see all the Leather Masterpieces we develop with our California Factories since 2003

For Immediate Release San Francisco based West Coast Leather July 2021  Fashion Editorial by QP Magazine in the Desert of Southern California with West Coast Leather on 8 pages on the top models from La 






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