Happy Valentine"s Day Super Sale from San Francisco based West Coast Leather only USA retail location since 2003 . Call our design studio boutique location to speak to one of our fashion advisors. We also have a list of Promotional Discounts for the Holiday Gift Giving Made Easy 415 362 8300

Dreamy Magazine Editorial July 2021

Dreamy Magazine Editorial July 2021

For Immediate Release June 2021 San Francisco 

San Francisco based West Coast Leather received a call from Photographer George Chemas from New York City and had just moved to the Bay area. The theme was Leather & Lace private location in Oakland California on a brilliant sunny afternoon. The leather trend report based on our companies statistics identified Leather Fringe Jackets as the Hot Trend for Women's Leather Fashion Globally. The images appeared in Dreamy Magazine June 2021 

Photography George Chemas   

Models Bri Sugimoto and Alexis Griffith 

MUA Jordan Deveix 

Copyright George Chemas and West Coast Leather 2021*



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