Storewide sale - 10% off - now through March 31. Code #SportsCarCollection2025 applies automatically at checkout.

Designed & Handcrafted in California

Made from primarily fine Italian leather clothing handcrafted in California. Ready-to-wear or made-to-measure, West Coast Leather carries on a legacy of more than 50 years making the finest leather goods in the speciality leather clothing business. Formerly North Beach Leather after the California General Assignment in 2003, West Coast Leather has in store designers to assist you with your in store purchase. In case you can't visit our new location at 2060 Union Street in the marina shopping district, please call client services at 415 362 8300 for future assistance. Image shown The Women's black leather with black patent leather coat-dress. Retail $1500 Model Leeanna Vamp photo credit Timbre Rogers. Copyright West Coast Leather* All Rights Reserved  

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