Chinese New Year Shoot and Luxury Cars

Chinese New Year Shoot and Luxury Cars

For Immediate Release - San Francisco, California 

Written by Stylist & Fashion Blogger Jamie Lee Kendall 

PR contact Jamie Lee Kendall - email and our Design Studio Boutique 415 362 8300  

West Coast Leather featured portions of its Women's 2022 Clothing Line during an editorial style shoot at the Chinatown Car Weekend in San Francisco, California. 

Model Jamie Lee Kendall posed with luxury and classic cars including a Ferrari, Corvettes, Lamborghini SUV (worth $250,000), Bentley, award-winning Audi, and specialty vintage BMW.

She modeled the Women's Brown Washed Leather Zip Jacket which retails for $999, the matching Izza Pant in Brown Suede which retails for $295, and the Navy Quilted Zip Jacket which retails for $1,200.

Photographer Ed Jay led the way with his introductions of friends and celebrity figures around town including many who owned stores, including some very historic stores, or luxury cars with which to pose. 

The team made several rounds around Chinatown, including modeling at Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory which has been in business since 1962. Jamie was taught by the owner Kevin Chan to make her own personal handmade and handwritten fortune cookies as special gifts.  He has been a strong supporter of the community for a long time, and then the photoshoot continued in the historical Ross Alley outside his store.  

The Ferrari was owned by fellow photographer and friend of Ed Jay, Rich Yee.  

They also stopped by the famous Wok Shop for pictures and on the balcony of fashion boutique CHINATOWN MADE high above Grant Avenue.

Jamie was asked to pose in an award-winning Audi and was filmed for television by a news crew.

There were also several beauty queens there including Miss California 2022 Catherine Yiang (former Miss San Francisco).  Jamie also posed with dragon dance performers.  

California Senator Scott Wiener was also in attendance. 

Photographer: Ed Jay

Wardrobe Styling by Skip Pas, Brand Founder and Designer of West Coast Leather.

Photoshoot Assistant: Dave Golden

Makeup and Hair Styling by Ethel M.H. Reddy.

Female model wearing West Coast Leather: Jamie Lee Kendall. 

Thanks to Lamborghini San Francisco, Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory, the Wok Shop, the fashion boutique CHINATOWN MADE, the team, and all of the car owners and organizers.

Please call the store for custom orders - we can make any size or color.

(415) 362-8300


The Women's Brown Washed Leather Zip Jacket which retails for $999 and the matching Izza Pant in Brown Suede which retails for $295.




Navy Quilted Zip Jacket which retails for $1,200.  



The Women's Brown Washed Leather Zip Jacket which retails for $999 and the matching Izza Pant in Brown Suede which retails for $295.

Navy Quilted Zip Jacket which retails for $1,200.  



 Navy Quilted Zip Jacket which retails for $1,200.  


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